Math concepts explained
Just a short post to point to Math Concepts Explained, a blog with high ambitions. So far, the explanations included are on graphing only.
I'd also point to an extremely useful site:, where the free geometric software Geogebra has it's home. After using it in my teaching and in courses for teachers this past year, it will now be an important part of my main project for the time to come, in making it easier for teachers to show the dynamic sides of mathematics. A lot more on Geogebra later, I'm sure...
I'd also point to an extremely useful site:, where the free geometric software Geogebra has it's home. After using it in my teaching and in courses for teachers this past year, it will now be an important part of my main project for the time to come, in making it easier for teachers to show the dynamic sides of mathematics. A lot more on Geogebra later, I'm sure...
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